At the very least be sure that your general business insurance is both affordable and offers the necessary protections. Saving money on small business insurance is great, but do not spite yourself and then discover you do not have enough protection if a claim is filed.

As a business owner, you are also known as a risk manager by the simple fact that you are running a company, be it a handful of employees or countless individuals.
In the role of business owner, you are charged with determining the exposures you face to different kinds of risks and deciding how best to handle the risk involved.
Business insurance is a vehicle to address the exposure by letting someone else be at risk in the event of a loss. Plain and simple, you are transferring that risk to the insurance company when you obtain commercial business insurance.
So while money is tight now, especially for many individuals who are venturing into the business world as an owner for the first time, do not skimp on coverage in order to save a few dollars.

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